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Inside the GPATS Beit Midrash

Graduate Program in Advanced Talmud/Tanach Studies


¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ’s Graduate Program For Advanced Talmud/Tanach Studies Presents:

Online Textual learning with GPATS Faculty and Alumni. 


Who is a Successful Leader: Influential Kings of Malkhut Yehuda through the Comparative Lens of Melakhim and Divrei HaYamim with Professor Smadar Rosensweig

Mondays: 8:00 -9:00 p.m.
January 29 - March 4th

Who is an ideal king? Does power corrupt? What are the collaborations and conflicts between king, prophet, nation and family?  We will focus on the influential kings, and compare and contrast the presentations and the answers to these questions and others through the lens of Sefer Melakhim and Divrei HaYamim.

We will attempt to understand the religious philosophy, philosophy of history and broader themes and history of Sefer Melakhim and Divrei HaYamim. These analyses will be done through a close examination of the Peshat along with inquiry into the traditional Rabbinic commentaries ranging from the Rishonim to later commentary.


Gemara Crash Course: Mesekhet Pesachim Perek 10 with Mrs. Hindy Feder

Tuesdays: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
March 5th - April 9th

In the Beginners Gemara Crash Course we will work on basic Gemara skills including reading, understanding, and analysis. We will develop these skills through the exploration of Sugyot in Pesachim Chapter 10 which discusses topics relating to the Pesach Seder.

Sefirah's Steady Ascent - Concepts and Halakhot of Sefirat ha'Omer

This course will explore fundamental concepts and halakhot pertaining to Sefirat ha'Omer and its role in bridging the celebrations of Pesach and Shavuot.  We will focus on the status and nature of the mitzvah nowadays, a woman's obligation, the concept of temimot - a perfect count, as well as numerous halakhic parameters that govern effective halakhic counting.  In addition, we will compare and contrast Sefirat ha'Omer to other instances of halakhic counting in order to gain greater insight into the nature of the mitzvah.



Past Programs: 

GPATS Learning Initiative past program



Inside The GPATS Beit Midrash 2



Inside the GPATS Beit Midrash


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